UI for You and I

22 Feb 2024

Style for my File

I've spent this week getting accustomed to frameworks for web design. I'll say upfront it's very difficult. It's also very tedious as when you have to match your opening tags with the closing tags your code will pile onto 100 lines very quickly. What's even more crazy is that most of the lines of code will only have one word on it. I get that frameworks like Bootstrap are supposed to help you but there will be times when I implement a navbar only for it to be off-center or the wrong size and I end up spending too much time fixing something that should have already been "correct" from the start.

Exploring new Oppertunities

I've only used Bootstrap for its navbars but I'm willing to bet that there are many more uses for Bootstrap. I wonder if they have anything for the middle body of the site and especially the footer, I personally have the hardest time properly designing the footer of a site since I have to worry about it clipping past the page, correct rows and columns and more shenanigans that without bootstrap or other frameworks are a real pain.

No Pain no Gain

I know it seems that I've only just been complaining and to be fair I am, but I guess I could take this time to point out what I do gain after everything succeeds. The first is the beautiful website. I can't explain how good it feels when you design a site and it looks like a professionally built site, sure it may not have the interactivity but the fact it looks like something you'd see on Google is pretty freaking amazing. This just goes to show that the time and effort you put in matters even if it doesn't seem worth it at the beginning